Join The Mohawk-Hudson Dowsers!
Benefits of Membership
There are many benefits to becoming a member of our organization. Our
members develop relationships and friendships with one another, and we
have a great time when we get together. Of course we also have common
interests, and by teaching and promoting Dowsing
Working with Subtle Energy we hope to increase the
awareness of the positive and beneficial applications of Dowsing and
Intuitive skills.
Annual membership in The Mohawk-Hudson Dowsers entitles you to free attendance at most of our monthly meetings which are held from September through June; A lower donation rate at special programs; a discount at workshops.
How Can You Join?
To join we need a completed application and membership dues for the
first year. You may join by mail or at any of our monthly
meetings. Please see below for more information and an
Membership Application for Mohawk-Hudson Dowsers
Print Clearly)
Name: ________________________________
Address: ________________________________
Phone: _________________________________
Date: _________________________________
E-Mail: _________________________________
My dowsing and subtle
energy interests
are (check all that apply):
Locating Lost People, Objects,
Good Water
Energy Healing, Dowsing for Health
Scientific Basis of Dowsing, Remote Healing, ESP & Subtle Energies
Human Auras, Chakras
Native Wisdom & Ancient Teachings
Higher Realms of Consciousness
o Ghosts,
Orbs, The Paranormal
Manifesting Matter, Your Reality
& What You Want
Intuitive Development, ESP, Remote Viewing
Sacred Geometry
Earth Energies
Cosmology, UFOs, ETs
Other __________________________
I would like to volunteer to help with
Program planning, publicity, organizing, teaching,
development and maintenance, library,
other ________________________________.
CONTRIBUTIONS: Our operating costs are covered
by member dues. Your extra contributions help pay for special projects, bringing in special speakers,
putting on programs, and purchasing equipment.
Please do contribute
whatever feels right for you.
Yearly Dues:
Individual $15.00
Family ... $18.00
Dues $______ + Your Contribution $_______ =
Total Enclosed: $______
Thank You!!
NOTE: Meeting notices are sent to members via email. Please include an additional $6.00 to cover postage if you want to receive notices via US Postal Service.
Make Checks Payable to: Mohawk-Hudson Chapter ASD
Send Membership Application and Check to:
Pete Voss, Secretary/Treasurer,
111 East Side Drive
Ballston Lake, NY 12019
If you have questions, please contact Pete
at 518-703-0035 or