About The Mohawk-Hudson Dowsers
The Mohawk-Hudson Dowsers is a non-profit organization and is a chapter of The American Society of Dowsers. Our chapter was formed in June of 1973.
The dowsing community includes healers, clairvoyants, teachers, professionals, engineers, scientists, farmers, well drillers, and more! Our members tend to be friendly, open minded, growth seeking people interested in Dowsing, Healing, Metaphysics, Alternative Sciences and Energy, Intuitive Technology, Bio Energy Systems, Spirituality, Environmental and World Issues, and further development of their innate, intuitive senses.
During the first dozen years: The Chapter found our Co-Op. Ext. meeting home, demo-ed annually at four County Fairs, won the "National Chapter of the Year Award" from our National ASD in 2000, taught thousands of kids to dowse for five years running at Environmental Education Days-- a five county discovery venue at the training center, consuming two full days of instruction-- and, had one heck of a lot of fun!
We located the well that the training center still uses today, were thrilled as seven ASD Trustees visited us as speakers for our meetings, and we grew our own level of dowsing competence by leaps-and-bounds.
Dowsers apply Dowsing and Intuitive Technologies to better their daily lives and health, and to better understand themselves and the world we live in.
Water for Humanity
Over 1.5 billion people lack clear, potable water and twice that number lack sanitation facilities. The Water for Humanity Fund provides funding for the development of dug or drilled wells and other aspects of water resources,
recovery, conservation, and protection worldwide in areas of critical need. To
date WFH has conducted projects in more than a dozen countries and continues to
expand. The approach is a multifaceted one, works at the grassroots level, and
generally functions in the direction of decentralization. WFH's philosophy is
that projects must be environmentally sustainable, technologically appropriate,
and sensitive and respectful of the culture.
The Frank Hoenig Memorial Fund
In July, 2015, we established the Water For Humanity Adopt-A-Well "Frank Hoenig Memorial Fund". Frank Hoenig passed over July 20, 2015. Frank was deeply committed to promoting dowsing and was personally fascinated by it. The Divining Hand: The 500 year-old Mystery of Dowsing by Christopher Bird, was his bible. Frank was kind and a very special person who generously gave to the Mohawk-Hudson Dowsers and anyone interested in learning about dowsing. When he became President of the Mohawk-Hudson Dowsers Chapter of ASD (2009 - 2012), his leadership, organizational skills, and dowsing skills and knowledge were just what the chapter needed. In appreciation, we honored him with a Memorial Fund. This was very fitting, as Frank was a big supporter of ASD, and this kept with his ideals of helping people gain access to adequate supplies of safe water for generations. We raised funds to help people. This well for Frank was our 10th well.
The Robert Conary Memorial Fund
"Robert Conary Memorial Fund".
"Bob" was an extremely loving, gentle soul, an active member of the Mohawk-Hudson Dowsers and it's former Secretary & Treasurer for many years. He passed on December 4, 2013. In appreciation, we honored him with a Memorial Fund. Adopting a water well to improve the lives of a third world community was in keeping with his ideals and was something that would go on for generations.The David Pitkin Memorial Fund
David was a member of the Mohawk-Hudson Dowsers and had given numerous lectures to our group. His fifty years of prolific study in the field of paranormal investigation produced a large body of work, including some of the best written records of ghosts and paranormal activity in New England and beyond.
David's published works include nine books, an audio CD, and countless presentations on a variety of metaphysical topics. A well-recognized figure in his community, television and international radio, David's good nature and personal gravity lent to the pleasure of his presence for all who spent time with him.
David passed on in February 2013. Donations to the David Pitkin Fund successfully funded numerous wells in Tamil Nadu, Southern India.
Brett Wentworth Memorial Fund
Lynn Monroe
Memorial Fund
In 2009, we established the Water For Humanity Adopt-A-Well "Friends of
Lynn Monroe" Memorial Fund. Lynn Monroe
was a member of the Saratoga
Integrative Practitioners Network (SIPN), and an active member of the Mohawk-Hudson
Dowsers, where she
served on the programming committee. She
was selfless in her work in
helping people improve their lives. A devoted herbalist and cancer
guide, she brought great relief to many. Adopting a water well to
improve the lives of a third world community was in keeping with her
ideals and was something that would go on for generations. In
2011, we received the final report from Women's Organization for Rural
Development (WORD) of the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Referring
to the people who had made donations as "A collection of people which
included some dowsers..." we were told we had raised enough funds to
support the construction of a well and hand pump in a rural village in
honor of Lynn. Included with the final report were a testimonial, a few
photos, one of which showed the plaque mounted to the concrete platform
for the well which dedicated the well to Lynn; an audit and a statement
verifying the work. We were very pleased with this memorial to our
We are all transmitters and receivers. Come and learn, more about this
intriguing art.
In 2011, our chapter began raising funds in Brett Wentworth's Memory, to support the Water for Humanity
Adopt-a-Well program. Barbara and Robert Conary had
devoted years of their time and energy to the Mohawk-Hudson Dowsers. In
appreciation for all that the Conary's did for our chapter, we honored them with a memorial fund in their son,
Brett’s, name. Brett's life was tragically taken during a break in and
robbery of his apartment in Schenectady a few months earlier.
In July 2013, we received the project completion
report from the GUARD Society of the southern Indian state
of Tamil Nadu. The well had been completed and they sent us a testimonial, a
financial accounting of the funds we provided, verifications from the panchayat
presidents, and photos.
"I know very
well that many scientists consider dowsing as they do astrology, as a type of ancient superstition. According to my conviction this is,
however, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows
the reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are
unknown to us at this time."
- Albert Einstein